a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

What to do with Basic Items in the Pantry

Back to basics ~

Yesterday, I posted a list of simple basics to have on hand in the pantry: potatoes, tomatoes, cheese, butter, and heavy cream. If you have a budget to live by, don't feel bad. You can still be a brainy gourmet. Too often people think that they have to have something exotic or different everyday of the week. In many cultures, people eat the same basic food stuffs every day.

The best meals are shared with family and friends and you can make a great meal using the basics listed above. Casseroles are great because they are easy to prepare and can feed a large group. I recommend making these tasty dishes: 

Creamy Potatoes Au Gratin ~

Tomato and Cheese Frittata ~

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