a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Monday, February 9, 2015

The Brainy Gourmet Does More than Mac and Cheese

Mac and Cheese a Comfort food ~ really???

Mac and Cheese, many people call it a comfort food; which can mean that they could be using food to provide comfort... as in to get them out of their funky mood, as in sad or bad mood. Good food is satisfying and if mom made it ... mac and cheese, you are probably thinking about how good that made you feel ~ cared about, warm and safe. However, as adults, thinking it will put us in a good mood is not wise. I understand though as Americans we like to be happy; in fact, we pursue happiness. That is why I think 'junk food' or 'fun food' started here. Yes, Mac and Cheese can be really yummy especially when you make it using real cheddar (not boxed) and probably why it is listed on the top 50 favorites of American foods. However, it is not a food that should be eaten just to make you happy; in fact that should never be a reason to eat anything. Food is to sustain us, to bring us together as family and friends. There is nothing wrong with good food and that is why I am cooking up brainy food everyday.

Mac and Cheese can be a frugal side if you prepare it using the chicken stock (full of flavor) from yesterday to boil your macaroni in and then blending in the last of the heavy cream and or sour cream and whatever 'real' cheeses you have on hand. In this way, its very good and can even make you smile. And, to be honest, who doesn't feel better after a bowl of creamy cheesy Mac and Cheese.

No, I did not make Mac and Cheese this evening; because, I always let my sweetie make it. Its his expertise in the culinary realm. Today, I am using up the leftover pork shoulder with dark sweet cherries and whipped potatoes from yesterday (scroll down to see). To that, I will add a few thick slices of pork loin, fresh red pepper and mushrooms in a teriyaki sauce. On the side, a simple rice pilaf. This will cost no more than $2.25 per person.

Now that is brainy and delicious!

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