a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Friday, February 6, 2015

Frugality is Always Delicious ~ Never Pretensious

The wise home chef...

Being frugal means that you don't pretend to be anything more than just a brainy gourmet =  wise home chef.
All too often today we meet the pretentious millennial who thinks that the world is at their finger tips. There is little discussion about being frugal among such young people. Frugality is being wise within your means. Hence, being a brainy gourmet means you can take any food item handed to you and make it into a wonderful food experience. A few years back, I saw the most genius cooking show on British television called "Ready Steady Cook".

Audience members brought only 4 food items in a brown bag and the chefs had to create something delicious, gourmet, in just 20 min. Not everyone's bag was selected, but that is what made the show exciting.  I am always telling my brainy students that they need to be spontaneous with what they have in the pantry and you don't have to be exotic. A hearty loaf of bread and hot bowl of soup is just as good as some decorated piece of beef or blackened chicken that gets kudos because of the clever write up.

So, get brainy and become a wise home chef. Check out my past blogs for what every brainy gourmet should have in the pantry and check out my website too. www.brainygourmet.com

What's in the brown bag? I don't know yet, but believe me it will be a brainy gourmet meal in 20 min.

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