a Ministry of Food and Family...

Monday, February 2, 2015

Easy To Do Roasted Veggies

Roasted Veggies ~ Quick and Savory

I have blogged before on a savory way to prepare my favorite root veggies: carrots and parsnips. You can do these veggies the same way in the oven; and, to these you can add other kinds of vegetables. Though some kinds go better together than do others. For instance, I would not mix green beans and broccoli in with root veggies. I would mix with root vegetables with: squash, onion, garlic and maybe cauliflower. But, since my sweetie does not like cauliflower, I refrain from using it. Nonetheless, I suggest you explore with root vegetables using them in a variety of ways.

This time of year, roasted in the oven makes a delicious savory side dish. Being frugal, I don't buy large bags of veggies that I may not be able to use up within a few days. Since, I live close to the grocery store, I prefer to buy small amounts daily or every other day. However, if you use vegetables in your cooking everyday, then perhaps a large bag is the better value for your money.

I know what it means to live on a strict budget. In many recipes you find online these days, one can see the immediate visual attraction. The pictures are always of glossy or glazed vegetables in a glass casserole dish or skillet looking scrumptious. Then, you realize that most of those veggies used in the photo shoot (recipe) are not readily available or maybe very too expensive if not in season or just not within your budget means.

I recommend the brainy approach which is frugal. I highly suggest you buy vegetables in season. I really love root vegetables and squash which are more readily available throughout the year. To make those vegetables look 'ad visual' beautiful and tasty, and stretch my dollar, I cut them either French styles or scallop... in this way they appear more attractive and cook faster.  Red onions and garlic are easy to halve, slice or dice and add to this mix. In this way, you will have a delicious roasted vegetable side that is simple and inexpensive.

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