a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Thursday, February 19, 2015

How to Choose A Brainy Good Wine

Good Wine is easy to discern


I often read articles about choosing a good wine and find that most people including those that wrote the article have no clue how to choose a good wine. Read the label to find out where it was produced and bottled and what year.
A true bargain wine hunter will always deconstruct a wine label. It helps you to decide whether a bottle of wine on a sale shelf is worthy of a purchase. The more you know about a wine, the better chance you have of getting your money’s worth and much more.

The very first thing I want to know is who made the wine. For domestic wine, turn to the back label on the bottle. If it says “Produced and Bottle by” it means that by law 75% or more of the wine in that bottle must be made by the producer listed. If the wine bottle says “Made and Bottled” it means at least 10% of the wine is made by the winery or company listed. If the bottle indicates “Vinted and Bottled” it means the winery on the label may have had little to do with the making of this wine.

*Source ~  http://goodcheapvino.com/vinted-and-bottled-by-be-a-wine-label-detective/

There are a number of good wineries in the Midwest and including down in Arkansas.  Check out Brainy Gourmet on Pinterest and take the Brainy Wine and Cheese Tour.

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