a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Getting Ready for a Happy Thanksgiving!

If you are like me, you are getting ready 'anticiapting' to serve dinner to those you love. If you recall from an earlier post, I wrote that eating is social and as a sociologist, I can tell you that is how we need to live in our 'social reality'.

Henry David Thoreau discovered this while on Walden Pond ~ "I pray that those who have no family to turn to on this day, or dinner to go to, will find themselves invited in. Set a plate and invite family and friends and those in need to join you in the celebration of this holiday and of life."

Eating is social, we need other people and they need us.  Make your table special, a setting that looks nice will make the food taste even better and the company even more special. White delights and shows off whatever you serve... a lot or a little, presentation will add a special touch - that you care.

~ Tutti a Tavola!

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