a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Monday, November 10, 2014

Chicken Marsala with Mushrooms, Eggplant and Red Peppers

Price per serving is less than $3.00.

One of my favorite dishes is Chicken Marsala. Of course, being brainy means that I have most of the ingredients already; and it takes only 20-25 min to prepare. I have left over linguine noodles from yesterday and I have half an eggplant from Friday's meal. All I had to buy was the chicken thighs (with skin on), mushrooms and a red pepper. I purchased the chicken at ALdi, six large thighs for $3.77. I divided the thighs into two 'packages of 3', one to use for another meal and three pieces for the Marsala. One red pepper from Aldi was only .89 cents and a package of champion mushrooms for $1.29.

Lets get started.

Take from the pantry list:
Sea Salt and Red Pepper flakes
Dried Herbs Seasonings
Garlic Powder
Coconut oil
Olive oil

Take out your covered skillet, I just love mine and it is a handy reach under the cooktop. As usual I put into the skillet a 3 tbs of coconut oil and the same of olive oil. The butter I reserve for later. Turn the flame on low and get the oils swimming together. Now, season the skin side of the chicken thighs with the dried herbs, salt, red pepper flakes and garlic powder. Once your oils spit a bit, add the chicken and cover. Turn to flame to med.
Chop or dice your red pepper and eggplant. Slice the mushrooms.

Check the chicken thighs, turning them over so that the other side can fry in the lovely oils. Once both sides a slightly browned, remove and set aside. Add 2 tbs of butter to the skillet juices and your chopped/sliced vegetables and fungus. Bring to a bubbling splendor and then re -enter the chicken thighs.Cover and cook for 15 min. on high.
Remove left over linguine from the fridge. If you don't have any left over, make a new batch. You can also use rice or couscous or polenta. I am being brainy and using the left over from yesterday's Tomato Marinara and Meatball/Sausage dinner. A few minutes in the microwave and vola, ready.

I like to use my low lipped bowl (originally from Pier 1 Imports- bought at Goodwill for .99 cents)
:Pour the linguine in and pour over the Exquisite Marsala!

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