a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Saturday, November 15, 2014

A Simple Breakfast Morning!

If you have left over bread rolls of any kind, you can make French Toast fast and simple.
I just use whatever rolls I might have left over from the week. I soak them in egg wash (about 3-4 eggs beaten til frothy) and pan fry in a blend of organic coconut oil and black walnut oil - two inches deep.
You can sprinkle powder sugar if you have or squeeze fresh lemon juice and then sprinkle organic cane sugar on top. Also, if you like, and I do, pour over your favorite syrup or jam, mmm blackberry or even homemade applesauce. I processed six quarts from the old apple tree out back.
Yes, I did write, black walnut oil.  We have a few large black walnut trees in our yard. The fruits can be a nuisance if you don't know what to do with them.

What can you do with black waluts? Make gourmet cooking oil.

The simplest way is to pick them when ripe (hulls are dark and dry). Crack open and take out nut meats.  Dice them up small

and place in a garlic press.
This however takes time if you want enough to cook with. If you want just for a salad, it is a quick and easy way. Now, if you have more time, a lot of eager helpers and some additional tools/equipment you can make more oil for yourself and friends.

1.      Pick Green and Dry 4 lbs. of black walnuts thoroughly. Once they have dried, wait another month before shelling them.

2.      Shell the walnuts and then grind them with a hand-cranked meat grinder or a stand mixer fitted with a coarse, meat-grinding blade.

3.      Put the ground walnut meat in a pot with a heavy bottom or a Dutch Oven. Cook over medium-low heat for a half hour, stirring constantly. Remove from the pot.

4.      Place the hot walnut meat in a press. Apply pressure until the meat stops releasing oil.

5.      Filter the oil through fine cheesecloth and then bottle it.

 If you want to see how the French do it, then watch this video.


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