a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Friday, November 14, 2014

Greek Fish with Scalloped Carrot served with Alfredo Fettuccine

You will need to buy - One 16 oz bag of frozen Tilapia or Mahi Mahi fish, one large parsnip, one large carrot, one lemon, and one package of Fettuccine pasta.

Take from you pantry list:
Heavy Cream - fridge
Parmesan Cheese 
Coconut Oil
Olive Oil
Sea Salt
Garlic Powder
Red Pepper Flakes
Dried Herb Seasoning
*rosemary, oregano, mint

If you bought your fish fresh you won't need to thaw. If frozen, then thaw out. Once they are thaw, remove the fillets from their individual packages and drain on a paper towel. Get out a stock pot to cook the fish in.

Slice a medium onion or large and saute in the pot along with coconut oil - 3 tbs and olive oil... 3 tbs. Peel and scallop or grate a large carrot adding to the onion. Cut fish into large chunks and also add to the onion and carrot. Add 2 tbs of butter and all seasonings to taste. Cover and let simmer.

Now, for the Alfredo Fettuccine... this recipe calls for scalloped parsnip for a nutty taste. To begin, peel and scallop a large parsnip just as you did for the carrot. In a covered skillet, add 4 tbs of butter, 2 coconut oil and 3 olive oil and rosemary with Greek oregano... toss in scalloped parsnips and cover.

Add 3/4 heavy cream and 2 tbs of grated parm to the skillet of parsnips. Turn off the flame on the fish/onion/carrot and set aside while you prepare the fettuccine pasta. Once tender, drain the fettuccine noodles and put into a wide low lipped serving bowl, pour over the parsnips in 'Alfredo sauce'... serve with the Greek Fish.

~ Tutti a Tavola!

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