a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Filet Mignon with Left Overs, Really???

Filet Mignon with leftovers. Yes! 

The price per serving for two is just: $1.85.

You will have to buy:
One package of Scottish Chuck Eye 100% Angus beef. I found a package at my local grocer for 3.77 for two. I did not buy anything else since I had potatoes, for my sweetie, and left over from last Friday for me which was the Greek Fish and Fettuccine with Scalloped Parsnips.

Take from the pantry list:

Balsamic Vinegar
Olive Oil

Dried Herb Seasoning
Red Pepper Flakes
Garlic Powder
Sea Salt

About two hours before cooking, marinate the steak in balsamic vinegar, olive oil and seasonings listed in a glass dish.

When you are ready to cook, turn your oven to F400. Once heat is reached, put your filets in uncovered. You can microwave potatoes and the left overs just before you take the beef filets out of the oven.

Vola! An awesome dinner in just minutes.

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