a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Monday, December 1, 2014

Left Overs, we all have them!

Hi there
Hope you had a blessed thanksgiving. Now, if you were like me, you overcooked and though having sent home a plate with family members, you still have plenty of left overs. The first thing way you can do to use left overs is for breakfast. Since I did a beef tenderloin besides turkey, there is nothing better than 'steak and eggs' for breakfast. Not much to write about in terms of preparation other than heat up your left over beef. I like to gently cook (which means not for long) the tenderloin in butter in the same skillet I will cook the eggs in, this gives the eggs a delicious flavor.
Overeating is never a good thing and I try not to do that. I usually try to fast one to two days before Thanksgiving and I definitely do the day after. In fact, it has become a tradition for my husband and I to fast the day after Thanksgiving; but only up until in the evening. Then we just have a simple meal and I let him cook something that he likes to make which is usually mac and cheese. Since it is his recipe from his bachelor days, he will have to blog it sometime. Because, I am not a huge fan of mac and cheese, not that my sweetie's isn't tasty, it is, I usually just eat a small amount of fruit with some sliced cheese and dried salami, a kind of antipasto plate. By the next day, I am ready for left overs which taste even better than day one. Preparation is simple as you just dish out the leftovers on a plate and microwave. Hey, its thanksgiving again, Yum!

Today, the left overs are nearly gone. A tomato soup on the left over turkey carcass and or legs/wings is very good. You just put in a pot, cover with water and simmer for 2 hrs. Remove all turkey parts you started with and set aside for anyone who wants to nibble. Add a can of tomato past and a small can of diced tomatoes, or fresh frozen if you have. To this, I add only dried herb seasonings from the pantry list. Let the tomato soup simmer for another hour. When it is time to eat, cook some rice. Do not put the rice into the soup, remember a good 'brainy' cook never mixes the base/stock with anything. Leave it pure so you can change the soup from day to day or make a spaghetti sauce as this is a tomato
base. I serve the hot tomato soup over rice put into individual bowls. You can grate some Parmesan cheese and we love to add sour cream topping with a sprig of fresh parsley. The second course is whatever you have left over.

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