a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Brainy Catch of the Day...Great Lake Salmon ~ 'Trout'!


Yesterday, I was talking about meat dishes with a friend and today I thought it was about time for some fish. As much as I love meat, fish is on equal ground; especially salmon or trout. For some in the Mid-west is not easy to get Atlantic salmon but very east to get fresh water 'great lake salmon' or trout.

For this dish, you will need frozen or fresh caught great lake salmon which most grocers have in the freezer section. Lemon, fresh chive, heavy cream and as a side... a mixture of buckwheat groats and white or wild rice.

To begin, marinate your trout/salmon in half of a fresh squeezed lemon for 45 min to an hour. If there is a dark vein in the meat, take it out before cooking as tonight we are not eating sushi. Melt into a covered skillet, 3 tbs of butter and 1 tbs of coconut oil.

Season with red pepper flakes, garlic powder, white or green pepper fresh ground pepper corn and a bit of coriander. Lay in your trout/salmon and let the fillets sizzle on high heat searing both sides. Then, cover and steam in the juices for 6 min on low heat adding 1/4 of heavy cream on the end. Turn off heat, toss in a hand full of fresh chopped chive and a pinch of dried mint, keep covered while you prepare the side.

Set 2 cups of water to boil your rice and groats in which should be started at the same time you begin cooking the fish. Once the water rolls, add 1/2 cup of rice first letting it boil for 3 min alone and then the same amount of groats as they tend to cook faster. When both are tender, drain and ladle onto a low lipped serving plate, placing the 'trout' or great lake salmon along side.

~Tutti a Tavola!

*another great lake salmon favorite of mine is with spinach infused fettuccine pasta!

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