a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Friday, June 15, 2018

Greek Lamb with Wild Rice, Mushrooms and young Zucchini...

The Mediterranean diet offers a vast array of foods as so many distinct countries are bordered by that exotic sea: Spain, France, Italy, the Balkans, Greece, North Africa, Egypt, Israel i.e. Its not all about sea food though fish is a staple on most coasts. Greek dishes are similar to Arab cuisines found in North Africa... using lamb and yogurt.

For this dish you will need: 1 lb of chunk cut lamb (stew meat), brown mushrooms, wild rice and young green zucchini. If you don't like the taste of lamb then you can substitute using beef, pork or turkey. To begin, saute the stew meat chunks (marinated for 15 min. prior to cooking in balsamic vinegar and sea salt)  in a blend of olive oil and coconut oil, about 2 tbs of each.

Start the wild rice to boil - 1 cup rice (you can do a half blend of wild with brown or long grain white) to two cups liquid: one cup stock the other cup water. Saute sliced zucchini in a small skillet, when blackened on the edges, remove from heat and set aside. Once the stew meat is fully cooked, remove and set aside. In that same skillet, saute 8 oz of sliced brown or white mushrooms. Once cooked down, return the stew meat adding dried herbs: rosemary, mint and some garlic or garlic powder... one good shake all around.

Once the rice is tender, drain and spoon onto a serving plate, top with meat mushrooms and zucchini. Put out a bowl of plain Greek yogurt on the table and dig in.

~ Tutti a Tavola!

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