a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Monday, April 4, 2016

Who is the Brainy Gourmet?

Lately, people want to know who I am. I thought it was obvious. Maybe, its because they think I am hired as a corporate representative for the Brainy Gourmet Corporation to blog about food. Nope. The Brainy Gourmet is just me! I love to cook and share what I cook.

Where do I cook? I cook in my own home kitchen. You can see my kitchen on the blog; its even smaller than it looks. I live in the town where I grew up. I cook, I clean, and I blog all from home. Does anyone else work for or with me? Nope. Who is my sweetie? He is my husband whom I have mentioned him in past blogs. Does he have a corporate job? Nope. Does he make a lot of money? Nope, ...just enough for us to eat frugally good!

The idea for this blog was my husband's who said that my cooking is so good that I am being selfish for not sharing. I don't use recipes, I use what I call hands on know how gained from a lot of experience cooking over the years. I did spend time abroad (university studies) where I learned how to be a frugal and at the same time a delicious and tasty home gourmet. I also learned one important tip and that is to keep on hand and use simple ingredients - the list of basics are available on the webpage www.brainygourmet.com

What you see is what you get. I cook dinner, I take a picture of it, we eat it, I wash the dishes (by hand- its so much faster) and I blog it. Its the real thing, I am really the Brainy Gourmet... in case you had any doubts.

*Brainy Motto - If I can be brainy,You can be brainy too!

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