a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Herb Rubbed Pork Sirloin Roast with Carrots and Baby Peas

I dream of life on the farm. Its fresh, its simple... its a frugal way to live.

This dish is simple and frugal. It requires only that you can either start cooking one hour before dinner time or set up the crockpot to do that for you. I personally have a fear of using a crockpot when I am not at home; and since I love cooking, as in being over the stove, watching skillets sizzle or pots boil, I do prefer and advocate to use a deep enamel stock pot.

You will need to buy a small pork sirloin roast, every grocer has and if you don't see one, then just ask. Pick up a bag of small baby carrots and young peas in the frozen section unless you know that you already have some in the freezer at home. And, hopefully you are not out of onions one of the most important items a brainy gourmet can have in the pantry.

Begin by rubbing down your pork roast with fresh dried rosemary, mint, oregano and parsley mixed in with some red pepper flakes, salt and garlic powder. Set aside for 15-20 min. During that time, chop one whole onion, and using your covered stock pot, saute on med heat in olive oil until the onion is golden brown. Next, lay in your pork roast, having moved the onion over to one side. Brown the meat on all sides, add a bit more olive oil if it begins to stick, cover for 5 min and then add 1/2 cup of vegetable stock along with 2 tbs of dry white wine. Cover and let it bubble for 5 min. Uncover and pour out as many carrots as you like. Cover again and simmer on low heat for one hour.

As for additional sides, baby peas are lovely to serve with this and or asparagus... my sweetie's favorite.

it's artistic ;-)

~ Tutti a Tavola!

*the frugal aspect?? Today, my sweetie gets a pork roast sandwich in his lunch

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