a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Budapest Hotel Chicken in One Pot!

You will need to buy a package of chicken thighs, skin on and bone in. Also, pick up a crispy fresh red or dark orange 'not green' pepper. As a side, whatever you like. I prefer potatoes or roasted cauliflower.

In a deep stove top enameled stock pot, melt in 3 tbs of olive oil and the same of coconut oil. Add your first seasonings: garlic powder, sea salt, black pepper and a very generous amount of good quality paprika. In my opinion, it is wise and even frugal to buy good quality spices. Speaking from experience, some big box store brands taste like colored sawdust. Good spices, as in the past, are expensive. As for dried herbs: rosemary, mint and oregano which I use frequently, it is fun to grow and dry your own in a kitchen garden or on the deck/patio. For this dish, be generous with the rosemary and mint.

Lay in your chicken thighs and brown on all sides on med heat. Quick-fry, on high heat in another skillet drizzled with olive oil, one large whole thin sliced pepper, after 2 min. remove from heat and add to the pot with chicken, spoon in a bit of chicken stock/broth and cover to simmer for 25 min. To finish off, add either 1/4 cup of heavy cream or sour cream or plain yogurt which I prefer to use for this dish.

Boil water with a pinch of salt, and add your potatoes and do the same if you want the cauliflower instead of potatoes. Once tender, either potatoes or cauliflower, drain and roast these tender sections in olive oil with some paprika and garlic powder until they begin to crisp and blacken on the edges. Finally, place your cooked 'Budapest' chicken on a low lipped serving plate and  pour out the sauce over the top, you can place potatoes or cauliflower (dressed with chopped green onion or chive) around edges or serve separate.

~ Tutti a Tavola!

cena di gala
cena di gala
cena di gala

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