a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Chicken with Red 'Rosso' Pesto

From the Alto Adige come yellow flowers in the spring and fresh stems of grass to free range potential bounty. Living in any small village, one can witness the preparation for dinner which often begins with a quick swoop of the hand and flip of the wrist. Nothing could be more fresh than that. Many people have no idea what it takes to raise free ranged 'organic' food and the time it takes to prepare it for cooking,

Being a witness to that, people often ask, can you actually sit to the table after such an event? Yes, one can in reverence and thankfulness. After such a meal, there is a feeling of being blessed by a goodness that no corporate grocer could ever offer to mankind.

Hiking or walking in the Alto Adige, makes a person hungry. And, even hungrier when you come into the kitchen of a wood burning stove where Nonna is just putting the chicken into the skillet. Like her, I really appreciate a tasty 'rosso' or 'red' pesto made with olive oil, sun dried tomatoes and herbs. If you can find and afford, use pine nuts instead of the olive oil.

Chop one whole onion and saute in olive oil, toss in a few diced cloves of garlic, after a few minutes lay in your chicken breasts cut in strips. Next, scoop out 2 tablespoons of homemade 'rosso' pesto and stir that into the chicken. Let this sizzle for 6 min on high heat and then cover to slow cook for 6-8 min. on low heat. For a side, prepare sliced young zucchini and mushrooms.

~ Tutti a Tavola!

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