a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Monday, April 4, 2016

2 Things Going at Once!

When you have one that wants this and one that wants that or you just can't decide or you have some left overs that better get used up... you can find yourself  'cooking two things at once'. I had left over ground breakfast sausage to use up and I also wanted to use up some farm style bacon still in the fridge. Hence, I will be making Farfalle pasta with a roasted tomato and onion sauce along with linguine carbonara.

To begin, I saute chopped onion in olive oil in two different skillets. To one, I add broken up 'crumbled' ground breakfast sausage (which is a blend of ground pork and seasoned breakfast sausage) and to the other skillet diced bacon.  I also start water boiling in two different pots, one for the Farfalle and the other for the linguine (or could be fettuccine).

When the ground breakfast sausage is browned, onion as well, I add one small can of roasted tomatoes and dried herb seasoning: rosemary, mint and oregano. Let that simmer and finish up with the carbonara. Add small petite fresh peas to the onion and bacon, let them sizzle together to get a little blacken going on the edges.

About now, the pasta should be near tender and ready to drain. The Farfalle pasta is just to be drained off, set to a large platter with the sauce poured out over the top of the pasta, sprinkle with grated cheese and garnish. You can also put green olives on the table. Some like and some don't like olives in so leave em out.

As for the carbonara, as soon as the pasta is drained, add two whole eggs, stir into the hot pasta, Add a dollop of butter and then the bacon, onion and peas. Ladle out onto a low lipped serving dish or bowl, top with grated cheese and garnish.

~ Tutti a Tavola!

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