a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Monday, April 2, 2018

Spring is here and there is no better cooking than Italian!

I don't often cut and paste food recipes or foodie articles that I read online unless it confirms my own kind of thinking, cooking and reason to blog. This article did exactly that. So, today I am sharing. 

“I believe Italians have high life expectancy because of common sense,” says Count Giovanni Bonmartini Fini, a well-known Roman local and historic family winemaker recognized for producing high-quality, authentic pinot grigio, and importing it stateside. “Sayings such as ‘Eat local, fresh food’ or ‘Drink quality wine’ have existed for years and have conditioned Italians to live a healthy lifestyle, well before technology and medicine proved these sayings to be healthy.”

Well, the Brainy Gourmet has been saying that for years. I don't mean to tip my own hat, but I can't agree more with Count Giovanni. I say it a bit different, local, fresh, fast and frugal. Not cheap but value for money, getting the most of the food you buy and how to do that. Even when using stock made on Monday for soup on Wednesday, we are still talking fresh as in a fresh new idea that is now rich in flavor. 

All in all, Italians eat what they love but they don't make gluttons of themselves. I know, because I lived, studied, worked and cooked there. They make good use of everything. 

As the article concludes, "it turns out, it’s a bit of a trick question to ask if it’s possible to eat like an Italian and be healthy. With a culinary heritage that effortlessly embraces researched-backed means of healthy eating, the more significant question seems to be, “How can we eat more like Italians?” Amen!

*For Brainy Italian ideas and instruction - go to the Brain Gourmet blog and in the search box type [top left corner] in Ravioli and see what appears... ~ Tutti a Tavola!

*Source ~ https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/pasta-wine-cheese-possible-eat-like-italian-stay-healthy-121916846.html

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