a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Monday, April 16, 2018

Kidneys ~ A Brainy Delicious 'organ' meat and Source of Vit. B9 ...

Delicious “organ meat” probably sounds pretty awful unless you are already a fan of liver. Today, kidneys and liver are not popular. Most food, especially meats, have become over sanitized, and standardized, and commercialized.

By that, I mean we lose potential nutrients in food; and, most people just don't know it but organ meats are a quality food source.

  • Heart, for example, is the best food source of CoQ10, an enzyme important for energy balance and preventing oxidative stress.
  • Kidney contains an incredible amount of lean protein and Folate (Vit. B9).
  • Liver provides more nutrients gram for gram than any other food, and is particularly rich in vitamin B12 and vitamin A.
Its not easy to find let alone buy: kidneys, live and heart at the local supermarket. You have to seek out a butcher or meat store or go to a private meat producer and buy direct. If you are lucky, then you will be able to treat  yourself to what I now consider to be a delicacy - veal, beef or lamb kidney.

How to prepare them? I prefer them just sliced and sauteed in butter and onion with fresh herbs including chive. But, you can stew them up in the skillet as you would any other cut of lamb or beef.

~ Tutti a Tavola!

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