a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Monday, April 30, 2018

Flounder with Wild Rice...

Ah, seaside dining...

Fish is a great food item to prepare fast and its frugal. In fact, you can put frozen fillets into the skillet to poach; talk about a last minute gourmet meal! What is frugal about fish? Well, a package of frozen fillets (counting one fillet per person) costs less than a beef roast. And, all fish contain Omega 3.

Poaching fish is easy, from freezer to skillet. Since, wild rice is the accompaniment, start 3/4 cup water and 1/4 cup of beef or chicken stock to boil. Once it rolls, add one cup of wild rice and cover; keep on med to low heat. Now, you can start cooking the fish.

To begin, drizzle olive oil in a large covered skillet. Lay in the frozen fillets, drizzle a bit more olive oil over the top and toss in 2 pats of butter. Cover and cook on med. heat until the oils bubble along with the water that melts off the fish. Check the rice, stirring occasionally.

Next, sprinkle in your favorite herbs: rosemary, mint, lavender and oregano; I prefer this combination with all fish. Pour in 1/4 cup of heavy cream, reduce heat and simmer.  Don't let the fish overcook, as soon as it turns white in the creamy sauce, remove from heat and keep covered as you wait for the rice to finish.

Once, the rice is tender, drain and ladle onto a serving plate. Place the fish on the same plate and pour over the creamy butter sauce. Serve with any green vegetable. Top with fresh chopped chive and don't forget to put out a quartered lemon on the table...

~ Tutti a Tavola!

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