a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Monday, October 30, 2017

What's in your Grocery Bag?

What should be in your grocery bag? Basics! What are they? Firstly, let it be known that when the Brainy Gourmet went online over three years ago it was always with the sincere intention to provide information that was useful and lasting. Information that a lot people just didn't/don't seem to know - basic food stuffs and what to do with them; not all, but a lot is a lot.

As a sociologist by higher education, I make observations every time I am shopping and I don't see people buying basics. They tend to buy frozen, packaged, or canned food items. A few well intended shoppers do try to buy healthy but that ends up being only perishables such as: fruits, vegetables and meat or fish.

The problem with those kinds of perishable items is that if not used on that day of purchase or within a few days, they will perish and back to the store you go. That's not brainy because its not frugal. Every frugal 'brainy' gourmet should have his/her pantry stocked with basic food stuffs at all times.

Why? Because, out of a few basic items, any brainy home cook can whip up a meal that is fresh, full of flavor and is frugal. To learn more about those basics, check the side margin of this blog for the basic pantry list or go to the Brainy Gourmet webpage and click on Brainy Tips.

*Flour is not included in the basic pantry list nor in the extended list; which means that most brainy meals are made gluten free. Rarely is flour used to thicken a brainy sauce or gravy.  Also, note, if you are on a gluten free diet, use gluten free products.

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