a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Be Brainy isn't that hard ~ Its Re-creationed Carbonara...

Italians are into re-creation, using what was to make something new or different! For instance, take last evening's pork shoulder diced and added to angel hair pasta to make a truly brainy carbonara.

What's 'angel hair' pasta? Its a very thin pasta called capellini which means little hairs. As for the 'angel' ~ Capelli d'angelo is literally angel hair; hence, "angel hair pasta" in English.

Such thin pasta is preferred when making carbonara. Which interestingly enough, the recipe for it, is not fixed. This is exactly why the Brainy Gourmet loves to make and why this dish is the model for brainy cooking. In a brainy kitchen, recipes are not fixed in 'stone'...
  • To begin, the pork is fried in fat, which may be olive oil, lard, or used less frequently butter; the pasta is cooked and drained.
  • A mixture of raw eggs, grated hard cheese, and ground black pepper is combined with the hot pasta; no longer directly engaged on the stove/ heat to avoid curdling the egg. The fried pork is then added and the mixture is tossed, creating a creamy sauce ~ Advice - as for the pork, you can use quality bacon chopped finely also use one chopped onion and occasionally diced roasted red pepper for color that pops. 

The key to this evening's dish was adding to the carbonara finely chopped or 'pulled' left over pork shoulder meat, retaining some of the gelatin that formed.  Stir the meat into the bacon and onion mixture.When the pasta is tender, drain and follow the above direction. Lastly, ladle onto a low lipped plate, top with fresh dried parsley and Parmesan cheese.

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