a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Eggplant Cuisine ~ Swapping out with zucchini

Eggplant is known in many countries under different names and used in a variety of dishes in restaurants. On this blog, you can read recipes for eggplant parmesan and eggplant lasagna. If you don't like eggplant then swap out eggplant using zucchini and if you do like it but find that it is not readily available, just be brainy and swap out eggplant recipes using zucchini.

For this dish, you will need zucchini (as many as you like), chicken breasts (small package), onion and canned diced tomatoes or fresh frozen thawed. To begin, chop one whole onion and start 3-4 tbs of olive oil in a large skillet. On med heat, start to saute the onion tossing in some of your favorite dried herbs: rosemary, orange mint, oregano and a bit of sage.

Next, cut up the chicken breasts into medium sized chunks pushing aside the onion in the skillet. Next, turn the heat to med.high adding the chicken chunks searing them on all sides. Once seared, add a small can of diced tomatoes to the  skillet, cover and let simmer while you prepare the zucchini: wash and cut into chunks.

In another skillet, sear the zucchini in olive oil and then add to the mixture of chicken with onion and tomatoes. Cover and simmer for 25-30 min on med - low heat. On the end, toss in a couple of dried plums which make this dish even more than delicious. Prepare pasta as a side or rice, or gnocchi dumplings.

The family will still think they traveled to Greece even if you used zucchini...

~ Tutti a Tavola!

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