a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Memorial Day ~ What was on Your Grill?

Most everyone has hamburgers and hotdogs on the grill on Memorial Day! And, perhaps steak for those enthusiastic grillers; but, for those who are ambitious grill masters... shrimp. If you haven't had shrimp on the barbe, give it try.

Now, for some reason, when it comes to grilling at home, the man/husband of the house usually steps forward to take on this task. So, when that happens, I step back and let them go at it. My son-in-law is what I would call a 'Grill Master'. We were treated this weekend to steak and shrimp on the barbe and it was delicious.

He uses a special spice rub and did not divulge that info. But, I happen to know a great mix for the next time you want to grill shrimp on the barbe.

 Dry Rub
  • 1 tablespoon dried pineapple mint

Some grill masters like to add sugar to the rub mixture; but, its not necessary. Good 'fresh' shrimp is naturally sweet as is coriander and paprika and oregano as well as the mint. *Brush with butter as you grill.

~ Tutti a Tavola

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