a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Brainy Thai Pork with Rice Noodles!

Free to be Thai at home...the Brainy Gourmet way!

You will need to buy one pound packaged pork tenderloin. One box of rice noodles and one red and green fresh crisp bell pepper. 

Grab your covered skillet and on a low flame melt in 3 tbs of coconut or peanut oil.  Slice up the red and green pepper tossing them up into the skillet. To this, add a seasoning mix of sea salt, ground coriander powder, and red pepper flakes, and a pinch of ground ginger. GO easy on these  seasoning as this dish also calls for teriyaki sauce which has plenty of flavor on it own (use rice vinegar and brown sugar to substitute the teriyaki).

Let this mixture cook for about 8 min. Then, add to the skillet, 3-4 tbs of teriyaki sauce and one tsp of roasted red chili paste. Next, turn up your flame to high and let this mixture start to sizzle and bubble. Now, take your pork tenderloin and slice into 1 inch medallions.

Press down on the medallion side as you place them in the skillet having moved over your peppers. Cover and let cook for 12 min, on med. flame/heat.  In the meantime, boil water, adding a pinch of salt, to cook your rice noodles. Keep an eye on the pork medallions and peppers, stirring occasionally.

Once the noodles are tender, drain and pour into a low lipped white serving dish. Then, pour out your medallions and peppers. You can garnish as you like using fresh parsley or cilantro.

~ Tutti a Tavola!

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