a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Fresh Dried Herbs ~ Made at Home!

Long time readers know that my favorite herbs are: rosemary, mint and oregano. Its the blended taste of savory and sweet that is beyond delicious. These herbs are very easy to grow. In fact, you can grow them in pots on your deck/patio or in your kitchen window. Just clip fresh (don't wash), lay them on a perforated pizza pan and within 12-24 hours or less, they are completely dry and ready to use as a frugal flavor enhancer. 

The temperature of the oven should be around 80 degrees, a good temperature for slow drying the delicate leaves of mint and oregano. As for the rosemary, a bit higher temp of 100 is preferred giving the sprigs between 24-48 hours. It is possible to quicken the process. Turn the oven to 350 and when it has reached that temperature, turn it off and place the herbs inside. In no time at all, they will dry.

I prefer a slow dry than a quick fast dry as the leaves don't brown; thus, retaining their color better.

In a variety of combinations, these herbs are great for any meat, fish, vegetable or pasta dish. The next best thing is that your kitchen will smell like a brainy gourmet is at work.

*Rosemary is known for its health benefits... its even an aromatherapy for the brain!

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