a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Know How to Dry and Cook With Herbs!

Long time readers know that my favorite herbs are: rosemary, mint and oregano. Its the blended taste of savory and sweet that is beyond complimentary. These herbs are very easy to grow. And because I grow them myself, I have quality assurance. 

Yes, herbs are relatively hardy and easy to grow and you don't need acres. You can grow them in pots on your deck/patio or in your kitchen window. Just clip fresh (don't wash), lay them on a perforated pizza pan and within 24-48 hours, they are dry. 

The temperature of the oven should be around 80 degrees, a good temperature for slow drying the delicate leaves of mint and oregano. As for the rosemary, a bit higher temp between 90-100 is preferred giving the long sprigs between 24-48 hours. You don't need to keep your oven turned on. Just pre-heat at 250 and then turn the oven off. Wait until the temp drops down a bit before placing your herbs on a perforated pizza pan and then sliding them in.

In a variety of combinations, these herbs are great flavor enhancers for any meat, fish, vegetable or pasta dish. And, best of all, as they dry in your oven... it's a kind of aromatherapy for brain cells!

So, next time you are thinking about combinations of sweet and savory, reach for your dried herbs!

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