a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Vacationing in Poland ~ Food tourism!

Vacations are great but they make it ever so hard to get back into the swing of things. Though, I did cook the entire time, I kept a simpler kitchen: fresh eggs, fresh baked bread, fresh homemade sausage, the freshest honey, white cheese, sour cream and pierogi.

In Poland, most farmers still farm on small hectares, and refrain from using pesticides either because they can't afford to or they prefer not to and the later is the strongest. In the upper region of northern Poland, honey bees fly about busy in their daily work, the lake waters sparkle pure, the air smells fresh cleaned by nature itself and the sunsets around half past ten with storks clapping to their fledgling offspring that another day has ended... Hollyhocks nodding off to sleep.

We biked and swam and ate what God's earth provided us.

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