a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Monday, July 25, 2016

Chicken Picata ~ Always a Light Summer Favorite!

When the summer heat strikes, who wants to cook, right? But cooking a delicious meal that is light (in the meaning of quick and graceful), and simple to make is possible... like a scrumptious chicken picata. Now, convinced you can whip it up in no time, you get started but then discover that one item is missing.

Being a brainy gourmet means coming up with a  brainy substitute. So, if you don't let's say one ingredient such as 'capers' don't worry. I was sure I had a jar in the pantry but as it turned out, I did not. The best substitute I could come up with was chopped roasted red peppers, tasty and added some color.

There are some that would frown on such a substitute and certainly key ingredients are necessary. In this case, the key ingredient to any great version of chicken picata is the lemon. If you have that, with our without capers, it will be delicious. To begin, start sauteing diced onion in olive oil and coconut oil, about 3 tbs each in a large skillet on med heat.

Next, add strips of boneless, skinless, chicken breasts and as many fresh herbs as you like. My favorite combo is: rosemary, mint and oregano. You can also add a dash of organic garlic powder. Turn up the heat, and once the chicken is browned, the onion as well, add a few slices of lemon (washed with the rind on) and 1/2 cup of heavy cream. Cover and let simmer on low heat while you prepare the angel hair pasta.

When the pasta is tender but a bit firm, drain and ladle onto a low lipped plate. Pour out the picata, top with shaved parmesan and put out some extra lemon wedges. Its all that simple!

~Tutti a Tavola!

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