a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Summertime Simple and Elegant ~ Beef with Garden Green Peppers and Mushrooms

Simple and elegant "beef its what's for dinner"... sounds like a marketing slogan. It was some time ago and why not. Americans not only raise beef but they love to eat it... hamburgers right? Yes, but more than just ground beef has a place at the American table. We were visiting eastern Europe this past month and our host told us that he longs to carve into a thick American steak.

Well, who wouldn't. But, steak can get pricey. Don't be glum, be brainy. You can still enjoy the taste of good beef that looks elegant and is simple to make. In fact, this dinner is simple and elegant using beef stew meat with garden green peppers and mushrooms on top of a bed of brown rice and barley groats.

Begin by sauteing at least one pound of small cubes size stew beef meat in 4 tbs of olive oil, along with herbs: rosemary, mint and oregano, garlic powder, salt, pepper and dried lemon zest. Continue to saute beef on med heat until browned on the edges and juices begin to run.  Then, turning down the heat to low to simmer in juices for 30 min. In the meantime, prepare to boil the rice and groats in salted water. Also, in another skillet, saute your green peppers and mushrooms in 2-3 tbs of olive oil and choice of dried or fresh herbs.

In no time at all, your beef, peppers/mushrooms and side will nicely finish so that you can ladle the rice/groats onto a low lipped serving plate topping with the beef, peppers and mushrooms.

As a extra side, surprise everyone with the first of the homegrown garden fresh beets topped with aromatic chopped chive...

~Tutti a Tavola!

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