a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

What the Doctor Has to Say about Eating and Food

Taking a sociological perspectives on food and eating, recognizes that eating, in a modern and now post modern reality, is an evolved social activity. 

Sociologists of the functionalist, structuralist, and developmental approaches have varying theories and or ideas about the food and the eating of it. However, I see an overlapping among them largely located in the sphere of interactionism which is social reality being made possible by/through social dynamics in a place. 

Place has everything to do with your social reality and thus a lot to do with food and the sharing of it. The kinds of food consumed are directly related to place because of geography and climate. They way in which it is consumed is directly related to shared beliefs as in cultural data belonging to those in a place and that data includes signs and symbols exchanged in that place. 

Consumption is not just about consuming nutrients or limited to nutrients but rather includes non verbal experiences as well as ritualistic experiences that generate and circulate meanings and symbols for the purpose of identity and continuity in a place. 

Interestingly, we can describe both the modern and the post modern man’s consumption as more of a process of nutritional socialization; whereat, individuals learn not only what is edible and good for the body but also appropriate preparation techniques; appropriate combinations of foods; and the conventions which govern when, where 'place', and with whom an individual may eat ~ social.   

Today, we see more emphasis on what can be called a 'progressive' social activity; in that, each individual has a nutritional career which relates to how nutritional practices and preferences are retained for the good of society ‘group’ and this effects personal diet change throughout one's life. 

Food is a powerful symbolic presence in society.  And, reflects patterns of social differentiation as in who is who ‘identity’ as in being a member group and the role relationships found in them ~ ...families, i.e. 

It is interesting to see how visible this is as we can observe not only what is served but also what is accepted table etiquette and table settings ~ Dr. Efg.

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