a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Bacon and Eggs ~ Its All in the Presentation

Brainy Humor with Guest Blogger ~ My Mom

Have you heard? Bacon and eggs are all the fade, rage, and or fashion of pop foodies. Some of us oldies just like to say "Hey, bacon is back". I am not surprised that bacon is now welcomed back in the basic food groups, but if you are of my generation, it was always there. I think it is wonderful that both bacon and eggs have been raised from junk food status to health food extraordinaire - getting the Paleo flag of approval.  So, I want to do a very special bacon and egg banquet menu.

For breakfast I am making bacon muffins with sunny side up egg topping.

To those little happies, I think bacon wrapped bananas flambe will go very well indeed... not to mention a bacon flavored coffee blended with egg-nog creamer.

For a light lunch, a beautiful bacon and egg salad with a bacon and egg club sandwich, and a bacon and egg smoothie- how luscious.

And, dinner, will have to be extra special. So, I will be making a bacon and egg souffle with an incredible bacon and egg vegetable medley. As for desert, I think a whipped cream bacon and egg cream pie served with bacon cappuccino will be absolutely delicious.

*That looks pretty good ~ Praise the Lord Bacon and Eggs are Back!

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