a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Northern Italian 'Meaty' Spaghetti Bolognese

Price per serving for three: $2.26

You will need to buy a small package of ground pork and the same of ground pork sausage. You could also use ground pork and ground turkey. Being Brainy, I bought a 1 lb package of ground pork and sausage which I mixed together and then halved, freezing the other half for future use. The two packages together cost $7.28 divided on two = $3.64 for this meal. You will need to buy pasta if you don't have in the pantry. The most I ever pay is per package is $1.50. You will need an onion and parmesan cheese; as well as, a large can of crushed tomatoes unless you have fresh frozen from your own harvest. One 28 oz. can of crushed tomatoes cost $1.65. From Aldi you can usually get it for about that much and its certified USDA organic. I also buy their grated Parmesan.

Take from your pantry:
1 Clove of garlic
Coconut Oil
1 Onion
Olive Oil
Parmesan Cheese
*Dried Herb Seasoning
  rosemary, mint and oregano

Get a large stock pot of water with a pinch of salt boiling to cook the pasta - I like to use a Bucatini noodle. Then take out your covered skillet  on med flame and add 3 tbs of olive oil and 1 tbs of coconut oil. Or just use olive oil. I don't think my Nonna would ever have used coconut oil, but if it had been available, she might have. I like to use it because it bubbles around the meat and does not burn as quickly as other oils. Add your ground meats, breaking the bulk of it into crumbly pieces. Once that is done, add diced or crushed clove of garlic, add what you like depending on preferred taste. Chop your onion finely and add that as well. Stir and cover, reduce the flame to low. When the onion is transparent, add your crushed tomato and sprinkle in as much dried herb seasoning as you like. Since, I like a juicy sauce, I do not add any tomato paste to this recipe. Cover the sauce and let simmer for 20-25 min.
During this time, add the noodles to your boiling water and stir. Set the table, putting out extra grated fresh parmesan. When the noodles are tender, drain and spill them out onto a serving platter immediately. I don't like rinse my noodles, risking that they will get cooled. The sauce is ready at just about this time, so go ahead and lay it on. Gather everyone to the table, say a blessing as there is plenty 'Abbondanze'!

* Bolognese sauce is an Italian meat-based sauce for pasta which originates from Bologna, a city in Northern Italy. A thick, full-bodied meat sauce that's a staple of northern Italy's Bologna. The term alla Bolognese (in French, à la Bolognese) on a menu designates a pasta or other dish sauced with ragù, which is a meat based sauce. The words for Italian ragù and French ragout (though for entirely different dishes) are both derived from the verb ragoûter, which means "to stimulate the appetite." A true Bolognese sauce includes a small amount of tomatoes or tomato paste in a rich sauce with meat and other ingredients. It tends to be served on thick pasta, as larger pasta shapes hold meat much better than finer pastas such as capellini. Variations on the sauce outside of Italy often include much more tomato and vegetable ingredients, which change the flavor profile considerably.  This history of the Italian Bolognese sauce was retrieved from http://www.spaghettibolognese.info/p/history.html

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