a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Thursday, January 8, 2015

'MeatLoaf' ~ The Other White Meat

Price per serving for two: $2.06

You will need to buy a  1 lb package of ground turkey ($2.78) and 1/2 lb of ground mild pork sausage ($1.34).  These ingredients you should have on hand in your pantry: seasonings, plain bread crumbs, oats, egg, and mayonnaise.

Take from your pantry list:
Sea Salt
Olive Oil
Black Pepper
Bread Crumbs
Garlic Powder
Red Pepper Flakes
*Dried Herb Seasoning
 rosemary, mint and oregano.

1 egg

Turn your oven to F375. Take a glass mixing dish out for the ground turkey and mild pork sausage.  Add to the ground meats: sea salt, black pepper, red pepper flakes and garlic powder (to taste) and as much dried herb seasoning as you like. Then crack in your egg. Add to that, one cup of oats, and 1 cup of dried bread crumbs. Now, take a glass baking dish and rub the bottom with olive oil and into that a dollop of mayonnaise, spreading it around. Form your meat mixture into a football and lay it in. Top with a sprinkle of dried mint and oregano. Set it in the oven to bake for 30 - 35min. When the time is up, take a meat tester to check if the middle is cooked. Use the 'done' temp for med. pork. You can offer any side you like, potato or other vegetable. Something that I like to use is fresh or cooked is fennel. It is pretty easy and quick to fix either way. The cooked fennel is halved first and steamed in a shallow stock until all moisture is absorbed. Then olive oil is added and the fennel is sauteed on both sides, finish with grated parmesan. The salads are made by chopping fennel root or slicing it and mixing it up with fresh sliced citrus or apples (I can't do apples) and thinly sliced raw onion. This combination can be laid on a bed of preferred shredded greens. The creamy salad is made in the same way adding mayo for cream or yogurt. Both salads can be topped with chopped nuts and pulled fennel tops; to this, I also like a drizzle of olive oil and squeezed citrus.

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