a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Friday, December 19, 2014

Soup as a First Course and Quiche as Second

Price per serving for two: $2.56

Soup is a first course in many cultures. When I lived in Europe, soup was part of the everyday dinner and holidays as well.  Today, I am using left over stock from the pork butt. I have some extra wide egg noodles in the pantry; a medium size bag I bought three months ago and finally just down to the last of it. Remember, I don't buy in bulk. Being frugal and being brainy about it means that it is better to buy more often what you need for the day rather than buy huge amounts just because it was a good deal. I always catch a good price on something any day of the week at my local grocer or ALDI.What I had to buy today was a one pound package of ground turkey. I planned on turkey meatballs to add to the stock. What about the quiche? All you need are eggs and cheese from the fridge, heavy cream from the fridge and pie crust... which I happen to have also in the fridge.

Take from the pantry list:
Sea Salt
Black Pepper
Red Pepper Flakes
Plain Bread Crumbs
Dried Herb Seasoning

Take the stock from the fridge and start warming it up on the stove. While that started, you can make your meatballs. You will need to mix in a glass bowl, 1/2 cup of plain bread crumbs, 1 tsp of salt and the same of black pepper. You can use as much dried herb seasoning as you like and I like a lot. Form this mixture into balls, not too big or too small. Turn up the flame on the stock so that it boils. Once it does, drop in your meatballs. Now, start another covered stock pot for boiling your noodles.

Turn down the flame on the meatballs in the pork butt stock and get going on the quiche. Turn your oven on to about F400. While the oven heats up, take a glass bowl and crack in six large eggs. To that add 1 cup of heavy cream. Then add some shredded cheese, I have some left over from the nachos supreme, about 1 cup. Add your seasonings, 1 tsp of salt and black pepper and 1/2 tsp of red pepper flakes. Blend all of this with a wisk and then take a hand mixer to froth it up a bit.
Grab a glass pie dish, unwrap a single pie crust, which I also happen to have left over from Thanksgiving, it is still good. I grease the dish with coconut oil and lay in the crust. Then I pour the egg mixture in and top with Parmesan cheese. If the oven is ready, pop it in, turning down the heat to F375.
Your soup should be ready, drain the egg noodles and spoon them into bowls. Then ladle in the stock with the turkey meatballs. Serve this while the quiche bakes. What is great about courses, it draws out dinner time and that is good since eating is social and the more we share food together, the more we share our lives together.

* a simple quiche can always become more; add mushrooms, sun dried tomatoes and even top with arugula when you serve.

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