a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Butterfly Chops in Carmelized Pineapple with Lemon Garlic and Mint/Thyme

Price per serving for two: $2.08

You will need to buy boneless butterfly pork chops. I found a nice package of two of the Farmland brand for just $2.79. I bought a can of chunk pineapple on sale for .89 cents and a lemon for .49.

Take from the pantry list:
Coconut Oil
Olive Oil
Sea Salt
Red Pepper Flakes
Dried mint and thyme

Take out your covered skillet. Add 3 tbs of coconut oil and the same of olive oil. Peel and slice two cloves of fresh garlic, wash and slice your lemon (using 4-5 med slices with rind on). Turn on the flame to med and toss in the garlic and lemon. Open your canned pineapple (you can use fresh when in season).  Toss in as many chunks as you would like and add some of the juice.  Let that mixture bubble up before adding the chops. Once it has, lay in the butterfly chops.Season the top of the chops with sea salt, red pepper flakes and some dried mint and thyme. I like to cook them through in this way first, takes about 15 mins, depending on the thickness. After fifteen min. or so, move the chops over and move garlic and lemon to one side. Turn up the flame to high and sear the pork a bit on both sides, 2 min. The garlic and lemon will sizzle a bit too, which is ok. Remove the chops from skillet (placing them on a serving platter) and then add a bit more pineapple juice. I also add tbs of butter and then turn the flame to super high to get this mixture caramelizing. Once it has, turn off the flame and pour this delicious sauce over the chops.

*You can serve this dish with a crispy crunchy onion and fennel salad drizzled with olive oil, topped with raisins and shaved Parmesan cheese on a bed of any green leaf for color.

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