a Ministry of Food and Family...

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Food Combinations ~ What works? Play Fast and Frugal...

The Brainy Gourmet is about enjoying life, having fun in the kitchen. Food combinations are important and so is their arrangement on the plate; including on your kids' plate. Some don't like when certain foods touch each other. Its not odd to have such preferences. In fact, that is what good food combinations are all about. Some things just don't go together. 

Not too far back, the Brainy Gourmet blogged about food waste in America. Largely, that stems from putting too much on the plate and trying to satisfy every food group on the plate at every meal. You don't have to do that.  In fact, some foods just don't go together even though alone (by themselves) they are very good to eat. 

For instance, we want to have a green vegetable during our meal. If that vegetable has a certain texture or smell that does not work with the other food staples on the plate then don't let them share the same plate. Certainly, don't let fruits share the plate with any main course... who wants watermelon juice in the mashed potatoes, right? 

The Brainy Gourmet has always advocated to prepare and consume a simple home-cooked meal: meat/starch or carb with side vegetable; which can be served off side (in/on a separate bowl/plate). Fruit is best eaten after dinner or as a snack during the day. Some eat fruit for breakfast and that is okay. 

Food combinations... eat what you like but don't put too much of what you like on the same plate. Again, the basic plate is - meat with a starch/carb and a vegetable side. The Brainy Gourmet Card Game is a great teaching tool for this. Check the side margin of this blog and buy it as a gift!

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