a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Brainy Tomato Soup with Homemade Polish Sausage...

Well, you might think that the Brainy Guy is cooking tonight since he knows all there is to know about homemade tomato soup with Polish sausage. I can say I taught him everything he knows about tomato soup; the Polish sausage was his idea but it works.

Being frugal is the main aspect of being a Brainy Gourmet or a Brainy Guy (see webpage/blog). Having said that, you should expect I will be starting my tomato soup from a soup stock...using either chicken, turkey, beef or pork. Yes, even pork can make a good stock.

If I do use pork, I like to use the pork 'butt' picnic cut. It has tender meat and tasty fat; but, is really leaner than you imagine. If you have your choice stock, then just add one small tube or can of tomato paste. Its as simple as that.

So, when it comes to tomato soup, again...just stir in one small can of tomato paste, toss in some fresh dried herbs, cover, simmer on med heat for 25 min. As it bubbles away, prepare rice or any pasta that you prefer... adding separately to bowls and not the soup. This way, tonight's tomato soup can become tomorrow's Minestrone.

Oh, the sausage... baste in the oven until fully cooked; then, dice or cube and toss into each bowl. Delicious! * Note, if you like creamy style... add a dollop of sour cream and top with fresh green arugula.

~ Tutti a Tavola!

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