a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

When it comes to spices/seasonings and herbs.... where do you begin?

My mother always said to start with salt and pepper, a little garlic or onion and chive. She was right. If you have those basics, you can still come up with a brainy gourmet meal full of flavor. And, from those basics, you can build up your flavoring repertoire (supply) adding your favorite herbs.

It doesn't take much. Flavor still comes from the food item itself; the only problem is that we seem to have forgotten that. Think about your favorite food and which dried herb comes to mind... what was the smell and taste experience.

If you were amazed, then use that herb freely... as much as you like. It took time for me to figure out that I loved rosemary, mint and oregano. I use it in everything as many of my long time readers know.

Start with the recommended basics and or Brainy Gourmet herb combination and get cooking!

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