a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Bolognese di manzo con melanzane...

From Rome with Love ~ Beef Bolognese with Eggplant...Yes, one of my favorite Italian sauces.

For this dish you will need: beef stew meat (1lb), one medium eggplant, onion, one glove garlic, 3 fresh diced carrots or use diced canned carrots, 1 med. can diced tomatoes and1 med. can of crushed tomato sauce. 

Marinate the beef stew meat in Balsamic vinegar and a couple of shakes of sea salt while you begin sauteing one chopped onion and one cubed eggplant in olive oil. Once slightly browned, add the beef stew meat and continue to brown stirring occasionally.

Next, add the diced carrot, can of diced tomatoes and can of crushed tomato sauce. Finally, toss in generous amounts of dried herbs: rosemary, mint and oregano. Let this pot boil for 20 minutes on med high heat and then let simmer on low heat for another 30 minutes.

Near the end of that time, boil linguine, fettuccine or pappardelle which is a large, very broad, flat pasta noodle. Once tender, drain and ladle onto a low lipped serving plate and top with sauce.

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