a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Stroganoff using Pork Loin ~ Topped with Slivered Almonds!

I love winter sunsets and some of the best seen were on the eastern stepps...

Historically, beef "Stroganov" is a Russian dish of sauteed pieces of beef served in a sauce with sour cream. The original version comes from a Russian cookbook titled "A Gift to Young Housewives." Sharing that  original recipe with you, requires using lightly floured beef cubes (not strips) sautéed and a sauce of mustard and beef bouillon and finished with a small amount of sour cream: no onions and no mushrooms. Since its creation, it has become popular in many places around the world and made with considerable variations from the original recipe and today using pork loin.

Being brainy about Stroganoff means keeping it fast and frugal and yet adding an unexpected tasty twist.  For this dish, you can use beef but as just mentioned above a boneless pork loin works very well. To begin, you will need a boneless pork loin, one onion, a few mushrooms, wide egg noodles, slivered almonds and heavy cream or sour cream.

Saute onion and mushrooms in 2 tbs of olive oil and coconut oil, with a dollop of butter on med. heat until browning edges appear. Push aside in the skillet and add the pork loin cut into thin medallions or sliced into strips. Brown the meat until white. Move the onion and mushrooms back in and pour in 1/2 cup or either heavy cream or watered down sour cream. Cover and simmer on low heat for 8-10 min, while you prepare the pasta.

Boil water for the amount of egg noodles 'pasta' you will need. Once tender, drain and ladle onto a low lipped serving plate, top with your Stroganoff, garnish with slivered almonds.

~ Tutti a Tavola!

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