a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Yesterday's Tomato Soup ~ Today's Minestrone!

...what's waiting for you?

Yes, its been a soup week... and for a purpose which was to demonstrate that from one pot of chicken stock, at least three different kinds of soup can evolve. Yesterday, we made tomato soup and today we are making Minestrone. Begin by taking the left over tomato soup from the fridge and reintroducing any vegges or pasta that you had strained off left over from the chicken broth, including any left over chicken.

If there is just a tad of tomato soup left over, you can add one small can of diced tomatoes and 1 cup of chicken stock that is if you were able to hold any back from the original stock product. If not, a cube of bouillon in 1 cup of water will do, adding it to the improvised Minestrone.

For a little extra zing, I happen to have half of a whole zucchini in the crisper and diced that up, pan fried it in olive oil and then added it to the evolving soup ...soon to be Minestrone. This sounds a bit strange today for most home cooks but my great-grandma Nona would cook like this. She was very frugal... she had seven mouths to feed besides herself and her husband.

Put some grated Parmesan cheese and toasted Italian bread on the table and get ready to eat what's been waiting for you!

~ Tutti a Tavola

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