a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

What does the angry Italian want for dinner?

Arrabbiata sauce, or sugo all'arrabbiata in Italian is a spicy sauce for pasta made from garlic, tomatoes, and red chili peppers cooked in olive oil. "Arrabbiata" literally means "angry" in Italian; the name of the sauce refers to the spiciness of the chili peppers. And, you know, it's not too much trouble to make an Italian a little angry. But, its certainly easier to make them happy with this sauce. Italian or not, your family and or friends will love this spicy sauce on their pasta - penne is preferred but any pasta will do.

The Brainy Gourmet likes to add fresh garden eggplant and also ground meat but its not necessary. The key ingredient or secret to this sauce is the spiciness that comes from the chili peppers which can be fresh or dried and chopped finely (using only half a pepper unless you want to get really angry; and of course you don't) or you can use 1/2 tsp of chili powder and even more if you are bold.

To begin, chop one whole onion, a clove of garlic and saute in olive oil. Then chop a few red ripe tomatoes or use diced canned tomatoes and add once the onion is singed on the edges and the garlic too. At this time, if you want to add either or ... or both eggplant and browned ground meat you can. For a more liquid sauce, I pour in about 1 cup of fresh tomato juice. Don't forget the dried herbs: rosemary, mint, and oregano. 

Let the sauce simmer while you boil salted water for the pasta and get ready to eat.

~ Tutti a Tavola!

*Parmesan on top!

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