a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Thursday, September 22, 2016

The Brainy Gourmet's Hearty Beef Stew!

Another favorite comfort food besides mashed potatoes with Swiss steak is Beef stew. It is so simple and yet so full of flavor... one that takes you home. This is the kind of meal that you can do in the crockpot or on the stove in a heavy lidded pot. The basic ingredients are: 1 lb. of cubed sirloin or round steak, baby carrots, onion, green pepper and fresh or canned tomatoes. For best results, tenderize the beef for one hr. before cooking.

To begin, with the lid off, saute one whole onion and green pepper on med heat in olive oil. Then, add your cubed beef, stir drizzling in over the top balsamic vinegar and Worcestershire sauce, no more than 1 and 1/2 half tsp each. After the meat is nicely browned, give a generous shake of fresh dried herbs: rosemary, mint, oregano and sage. Dice 2 red ripe tomatoes or use one med. can of diced tomatoes and pour it in. Add half a bag of baby carrots and cover.

Let this mixture cook on med heat for 10 min stirring occasionally. Reduce the heat and let simmer on low for 45 min. If needed, add a tbs or two of water to keep the liquid content for cooking the carrots. This stew will not produce a thick pasty sauce; unless, you add flour. As mentioned in a recent post, flour is not necessary for sauce, gravy yes. However, if you are cutting back on gluten and or carbs in general, then don't bother with flour. The sauce without 'flour' is delicious!

Prepare boiled yellow gold potatoes for your side!

~ Tutti a Tavola!

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