a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Coq au Vin ~ The Brainy Gourmet Way!

Dinner in the garden anyone...

Coq au Vin is a classic French dish of chicken cooked in red wine with garlic, onions and mushrooms. For this dish, you will need to buy chicken breasts skin on if possible. You will need to buy low sodium bacon, chicken stock and red wine.

To begin, prepare the chicken breasts by patting them in flour and then wrapping each breast with a couple of strips of bacon. In a skillet on med/high heat, in 1/4 cup of olive oil along with chopped/diced fresh garlic and onion saute the wrapped chicken. Sprinkle in the skillet a dash of pepper, sea salt and dried herbs with a little crushed coriander, mint, rosemary and oregano.

Let the breasts sizzle on both sides on med/high heat and then reduce to med/low heat and cover.

After about 8-10 min, add 1/2 cup of chicken stock and about the same (more or less) of wine. For a Brainy twist, add 1 tsp of cocoa powder and 1-2 tbs of organic honey; cover again to let a sauce develop as the chicken simmers for about 20 min. As for mushrooms, saute in butter in another skillet and then add to the chicken on the end. *Mushrooms are not a necessary ingredient but traditional.

Place on a serving platter and prepare to be amazed!

"La vie est belle"

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