a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Form the Hill Country With Love ~ Ravioli with Asparagus!

Ravioli have been called the 'pillows' of Italian love. The hill country of Italy illustrates that nicely.

For this dish, you will need to buy or make cheese or spinach filled ravioli. The Brainy Gourmet is about being fast and frugal so there is no problem stopping off at the local deli to grab a few ravioli on the way home in the fresh or frozen section of the local grocer.

What to do? Boil some salted water to cook the ravioli in. Take a skillet, pour in some olive oil and add seasonings: red pepper flakes, garlic powder, rosemary, mint and oregano or basil. On med heat, stir fry a good handful of medium length fresh washed young asparagus.

Next, if it is rolling, add the ravioli. Back to the asparagus, once they start to blacken, remove from heat and in the same skillet pour in one small can of either roasted or plain diced tomatoes. Let them sizzle away on moderately high heat for 5-6 min. At this time, the ravioli should be tender and ready to be drained.

Ladle the ravioli onto a low lipped serving plate, top with tomato sauce and lay the asparagus along the side.

~ Tutti a Tavola!

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