a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Fish with Creamy Peanut in Butter Sauce and Your Favorite Side!

Fish, fish and fish ...aahhh, the lake brings memories of delicious tastes!!!!

When you think fish, you don't often think of having it in a creamy peanut sauce topped with pine nuts. Italians are creative cooks when it comes to fish... fresh caught of course. Being brainy, you can stop by your local market and pick some up, fresh caught and on ice just waiting to go home with you. 

Begin by soaking your fish fillets (the fish you prefer and or budget allows) in fresh squeezed lemon juice for about 30 minutes before cooking. When you are ready to cook, take a covered skillet and melt in 3 tbs of coconut oil and the same of olive oil on med. heat and to the oils add dried herbs: rosemary, mint and oregano with a bit of garlic powder and a shake of red pepper flakes.

Turn up the heat to high and lay in your fillets. Let them sizzle on high heat for 2-4 min browning both sides. Then cover and let simmer for 6 min on med. heat. In the meantime, slice your onion, and julienne one washed zucchini - skin on. Start another skillet with 2 tbs of olive oil. When the oil is hot, toss in the onion and the zucchini -stir fry until richly brown on edges. Next, you will want to check your fish fillets and add 1/4 cup heavy cream along with 2 tbs of organic peanut butter (or mashed pine nuts). Cover and let the heavy cream and peanut butter blend smoothly together, shaking the skillet from side to side without lifting the lid.

Finally, lay the fillets onto a serving plate, drizzle some of the peanut sauce over the top. Take the onion and zucchini from their skillet and lay this vegetable medley next to the fish then garnish the entire plate with with pine nuts, fresh parsley and lemon.

or fish in simple creamy unsalted butter sauce???

white delicate fillets with potatoes???

tuna steaks cooked with the same peanut sauce ....

~Tutti a Tavola!

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