a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Ranch Style London Broil with Mushrooms and Apricots

From yesterday's farm to the ranch... 


The secret to this recipe is the quality of the steak and that it has to be marinated in balsamic vinegar, olive oil, garlic cloves, red pepper flakes and sea salt either for 2-3 hours, longer is always better. Though this is a 'broil', you can also do this recipe in the hot black iron skillet making it 'ranch style'. And, of course, if you were out on the high plains, then over an open fire would be the right thing to do.   

To begin, take one large onion chop and saute on med. heat in 1 tbs of olive oil and coconut oil in a large non stick fry pan until they start to soften. Then push aside the onion and add sliced champion mushrooms and a dollop of butter, brown the mushrooms until tender. Next, move the onion back in with the mushroom on high heat, singing them both until they are just a bit blackened. Move the skillet off the range while you halve about 8 washed and pitted fresh apricots.  

Bring the skillet back onto the range and either remove or push the onion and mushroom over to one side then lay in your apricots. While adding 1/2 tsp of organic honey, singe the apricot halves on both sides and keep stirring the apricots as you move the onion and mushrooms back in and over on top of the apricots. Turn off the heat, cover to keep warm. 

Now, take a large black iron skillet, kept hot in the oven (or next to the fire) and drizzle in roasted red pepper infused olive oil. When the oil starts to spit, you can lay in your steaks, flash fry on high heat for about 4 min on all sides then cover for 3-4 min more on high; then, turn down the heat to low and cover again cooking the steaks for another 2-3 min. The aroma from the sizzling juices produced by the steaks will sweep you away to that far off western ranch. Top with mushrooms, onions and apricots.

~Tutti a tavola!

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