a Ministry of Food, Frugality and Family...

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Making it Simple ~ Veal Scallopine with Sunflower Seeds and Dried Plums

My family comes from the Lombardy region in Italy, a very northern region -“Lombardia”. This region is bordered on the north by Switzerland and has a mountainous terrain. It also is home to some of the largest lakes in Italy. 

Cuisine in the north is very rich in meat and sauce. Veal is often eaten along with beef and pork. The best cuts are of the loin because of the tenderness. From this cut come many rich and delicious versions of cutlet or "scallopine" in Italian which has to do with the cut of the meat rather than the type of meat or the seasonings used in preparation.

Tonight, I am making veal scallopine with sunflower seeds and dried plums, as a side dish - potatoes. To begin, slice your veal loin into medallions which will be sauteed in olive oil and dried herbs: rosemary, mint and oregano. Cover and let simmer on low heat until fully cooked; then add 1/4 cup of heavy cream. For a nutty taste, I add ground walnut meats or pine nuts which contain more oil and stronger flavor. Cover again and simmer for 3 or 4 min. on low heat while you prepare potatoes via microwave. Then, lay out your veal scallopine "medallions" on a low lipped serving plate and pour out your rich nutty- creamy sauce, garnish with fresh green parsley.

As for the sunflower seeds (or additional pine nuts) and dried plums, I put them out on the table separate to use as extra garnish and or a side.

~ Tutti a Tavola!

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